Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Ultimate Apple and Potato Peeler

My newest and favorite toy from the hubs. My mom has one and it makes peeling apples and potatoes so easy. The peeler peels and cores apples and even peels potatoes in a flash, every household should have one of these.


  1. I LOVE mine. I got it at William Sonoma and I think it was only about $30. ;)

  2. I have the Pampered Chef version and just used it Sunday to bake an apple pie. Peeled seven apples in about three minutes! I've never thought to use it for potatoes though...will have to try that. BTW, You inspired me to start a cooking blog. . Don't know how much I'll be able to do with it until Ethan gets in school this fall, but I've started it!

  3. Jeni I am so excited you have a food blog. I will be an avid follower. Thad loves your food. And yes the peeler does peel potatoes which is the hardest part about mash potatoes!

    Brookie we got ours on amazon....I think for around that.
