Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Everyone likes Oreos.......

(Sorry for the blurry pic, it was the best one I took which is sad)

Ok so who doesn't like Oreo cookies? And especially who does not like homemade Oreo cookies? Usually you can't just have one Oreo you need atleast a whole row....well you will feel the same way about this Oreo recipe. This is a recipe of my mom's that will knock your socks off. The cookie is sweet and chocolaty, with a creamy cream cheese buttery filling.... making a soft, creamy and chewy delight.

I had these ready when Thad came home from playing tennis last night and upon entering the house he proceeded to tell me he was not hungry. It took a little time but he ended up having a cookie, then a cookie with frosting on it and then wanted some more....he was hooked which was my plan. Thad was doing his usually animated yelling and pounding on the counter about how good they were and it is not everyday I get that reaction from you know these are a treat.

This recipe is so easy to make and fun to assemble....

Homemade Oreo Cookies

2 boxes Devil Food Cake
1 1/2 cup shortening
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

Start off by preheating the oven to 375 degrees. Get out a cookie sheet and set aside.

In a stand mixer (or with a hand mixer)empty the 2 packages of Devil Food Cake, adding the shortening, eggs and vanilla. On medium speed mix until blended well. Dough will be a little stiff. Scoop out dough with small spoon and roll into uniformed balls onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Place in the oven, baking them for 7-10 minutes (mine were perfect at 7 minutes). You want them to still be soft and chewy, so watch them closely. Once ready take the cookies out and let them sit for a few minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. Let them cool completely.

2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup butter
8 oz. cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla

While you are baking your batches of cookies start on your filling so that it can be made and refrigerated for 30 minutes to an hour. Using your stand mixer again (or a hand mixer) combine the powdered sugar, butter and cream cheese, making sure the cream cheese and butter are both at room temperature. Start off mixing the ingredients on low speed for 2 minutes and then mix on medium speed for 5-6 minutes to give the filling a very smooth and creamy texture. Place the filling in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to an hour to let the filling firm up.

Once all cookies are made and cooled completely and the frosting has been chilled, you can now get started on the assembly of the Oreos. Using a frosting bag and a round standard tip, fill up the bag as much as you can with the creamy filling. I make sure the two cookies I am using are the same size and on the inside of the first cookie, pipe on the filling in a circular motion from the outside in until the cookie is completely covered. Then place the other cookie on top, making a yummy homemade Oreo cookie. Once done with the assembly I place them in an air tight container in the refrigerator, to keep them as fresh as possible.

As a warning, when you make this recipe you might as well have copies of the recipe on hand because you will be asked for it. So give them a try and I guarantee these will become yet another family favorite.

Fait avec l'amour,


  1. You're right. Everyone does like oreos! Have you ever had oreo balls? You take 1 package of cream cheese 1 package of oreos and grind them up in a food processor. You can then roll them into balls and chill then eat them, or my friends dips hers in chocolate and then chills then. But only make them if you are willing to eat an entire package.

  2. this site is officially my personal torture...i...want...some....

  3. Christie I have never heard of oreo balls but they literally sound divine! I think I am going to have to try them. Brookie sorry to torture you. Hang in there sister!

  4. Oh, I adore homemade oreos. I'm not even going to let myself make them because I know how sinfully delicious they would be...and I have no self control!!

  5. These look so good! I love making homemade oreos and I'm so glad you used cream cheese frosting.

    I have a question... do you know of a great brownie recipe? Dan keeps asking for brownies, but I've never found a recipe that I love. And so far, everything I've made from your blog is amazing! Thanks! :)

  6. So I broke down and made these. They were as delicious as I knew they would be. And Justin loved them. And so did the missionaries. Fortunately I only made half the recipe...because I would have eaten them all no matter what.

  7. DELICIOUS! I echo Bethany's sentiments. They were loved by my Sunday School class and by Keaton's deacons. Some friends will be enjoying them tonight, as well....since I didn't just make a half a batch like Bethany.
