Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Some good ol' Banana Puddin'..........

Before moving to the south I really never gave banana pudding much thought, I just thought it was an artificial jell-o pudding mix and did not have much of a desire to sample it. Then I moved to the south, where many restaurants serve banana pudding.

The first place I had banana pudding was at a place called Dreamland which also happens to be my favorite place in town for ribs and it is quite recognized as a must eat when in Tuscaloosa. Dreamland serves their banana pudding in these little bowls that are the perfect size for just finishing off a plate of ribs. Their banana pudding is so light and creamy and this is where the addiction began. Also our neighbor who we lovingly call "Neighbor Becky" makes a killer banana pudding that Thad loves.

Thad and I at Dreamland.....I have a craving for Dreamland about once a month

Dreamland's to die for Banana Pudding

So with all these inspirations, I had been wanting to make a good banana pudding and had been searching for a recipe when I was visiting one of my fav blogs....Bakerella where she had posted a banana pudding recipe that looked scrumptious. I made it for Thad and he loved it AND got a thumbs up, which is great since Thad is a connoisseur of good banana pudding.

So here it is, creamy, rich and so easy to make and I think what gives this one a great taste is the sweetened condensed milk which gives it its richness....

Cold & Creamy Banana Pudding

1 (14-ounce) can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 1/2 cups cold water
1 (3.5 ounce) package instant pudding and pie filling
2 cups (1 pint) whipped cream, whipped*
36 vanilla wafers
3 medium bananas, sliced and dipped in lemon juice

In a large mixing bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk and water, mix well. Then add pudding mix and beat until well blended. Once mixed place in the refrigerator for 5 minutes.

Then in a stand mixer, mix 1 pint whipping cream until thick. I used a little powdered sugar and vanilla to give it a little taste. Once whipping cream is thick, fold into the pudding mixture (Do this slowly and as few times as you possible can to combine, so the mixture will retain its thickness.)

Then using a nice glass serving dish (about 2-3 quarts), spoon 1 cup pudding mixture into serving bowl. Top with 1/3 each of wafers (I did twelve wafers per layer but Thad said he would have liked more wafers per layer, so maybe 20-22 per layer), then bananas and then pudding. Repeat twice. On the very top I just put a nice thick layer of whipping cream on top and garnished with vanilla wafers and then chilled it over night.

You can also layer in individual serving dishes, which I would like to try next time.

So if you want a light but rich dessert, that is a crowd pleaser, you need to make this southern favorite.

Recipe from Great American Favorite Brand Name Cookbook, 1993.


  1. Did you take this picture? So pretty!

  2. Mmmm...pudding. No wonder people talk about your blog so much...and I have the same question, did you take that pic? If so you have another talent my dear.

  3. So crazy..I'm making banana pudding to take to our ward potluck tomorrow. This isn't the recipe I was going to use, but I have all the stuff for this recipe, so I'm changing it and making this one. Can't wait to try it! And I agree..your pictures of your food are always so good. You plate it well, photograph it well. That's an area where I need a lot of help!

  4. Hi Rozlynn! My name is Alison and I live in France. My son William is celebrating his 12th birthday this Sunday with the family, and he has chosen this desert to close the family lunch ... so I am going to do my best to make it work! My biggest problem is your ingredient "1 package instant pudding and pie filling" - what is that? I am not sure how or if I can find that here in France, but I do have some British "jelly" in stock here - do you know if that is the same thing? Can I be so bold as to ask if I can call you on sunday if I need help in making the recipe? Yes I know I am a terrible pest ... a call from France from a British cook is probably the last thing you want on Sunday eh????

    I LOVE your blog and intend to bring a whole hoard of your recipes to fruition in this little household and in France in general! Keep up the good work!!!

    (Abigail's Mom)

  5. Hahahaha, Alison! I think your "jelly" is more like our gelatin. You don't have pudding mix? The things I learn! I'd mail you one, but I don't think it will arrive in time.

    Rozlynn, Alison is a fabulous person, we've been blog friends for over a year now and we've had a few phone calls, she's delightful!

  6. Allison, I am sorry that I did not get back to you sooner. I am just now seeing your post and question. I love that your live in France. I actually lived in France when I was teenager with my family and I remember trying to find certain ingredients to make our favorite foods from home. I love France and I love all their fresh foods and open markets. I miss it!

    How did the banana pudding turn out. I am more than happy to send you some instant pudding. Were you able to find something similar? Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to email me or call me about any recipes.

    Talk soon!

