Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My mom and The Purple Apple

As many of you know my mom is my inspiration when it comes to cooking. She has always been a fabulous cook and has been known in the land for her fabulous cooking abilities. And because of that very reason she was featured in the Deseret News which is one of the two major newspapers here in Utah. They came up and did a whole article about her and her lavender fields and cooking with lavender.

My parents about three years ago sold their home in Park City and moved to Cache valley where they live on 5.5 acre farm and my mother grows lavender and has over 800 lavender plants, and about 80 apple trees. She has created many recipes that incorporate her lavender (and apples). My mom also sales her lavender at local farmers markets and calls it The Purple Apple...check out her blog

So clickhere to read the article written about The Purple Apple and my mom........

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. Our blogs are twinners today! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.
