Everything but the kitchen sink go into these hardy and feel good cookies or at least that is the idea of this recipe. This cookie was a staple in the Nelson Family home growing up and I remember they were my dad's favorite cookie. I even have a sweet memory of my dad helping me make them, partly to help his daughter and partly because he knew he would benefit from helping me make these delicious cookies, and the memory is sweeter because my dad often times was not found in the kitchen.
So a few days ago I made this recipe for the first time in who knows how long. I came across this oldie by goody while looking for a cookie recipe to make for my co-worker who had been gone for almost 2 weeks due to a procedure she had done. Candace (my other partner in crime and co-worker) and I wanted to give her a warm welcome back, so we made her a banner and I decided to make her some cookies since while out she wanted me to bring her her favorite cupcakes I make and I never did (I know, horrible friend). So to make up for my absence, I decided to make her Kitchen Sink cookies.
These cookies were a hit at work and my co-worker Candace even requested I bring some more the next day (I spoil them with my baking) and my manager kept asking for the recipe. I love this cookie because of its crunchy but soft texture, and buttery taste that compliments the sweetness of the cookie, making the cookie delish. Honestly I was delighted to see after all these years how good Kitchen Sink Cookies are and what a hit they still are.
With this recipe you can be creative and add whatever you want to them. I would have added coconut to this recipe but was out but for sure next time I will do so. You will be amazed with how simple, easy and quick these are to make.
Kitchen Sink Cookies
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown
1 cup butter
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups rolled oats
2 cups Cornflakes or Rice Krispies
1 cups nuts (pecans or walnuts)
6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
To start off preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
Start off by using a medium size bowl combining the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt . Set aside. Then in a stand mixer cream together the butter and sugars. Mix until combined and the mixture is light and fluffy. Once mixed, add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Add in increments and do not over mix the batter. next take bowl off of stand mixer and incorporate the oats, cornflakes/Rice Krispies , nuts and chocolates chips with a spoon. And then if you feel like being creative, you can add anything to this mix, M&M's, raisins, coconut, another cereal with a good crunch or whatever you want, just make it taste good.
Once dough is combined and it tastes yum, chill for about 30 minutes. Once chilled, scoop out good size heaps and then roll into a balls. I place 6-8 cookies on a sheet and bake them for 9-10 minutes (just depends on your oven too), watching them closely so that they don't over bake. I usually can tell the cookies are done when the edges barely get brown. Once baked to perfection , remove from the oven and let cool.
Thad likes to have his cookies a little warm with a glass of milk.
So enjoy these good old classic cookies, that require everything but the kitchen sink. These little cookies will for sure be calling your name long after they are all eaten.