Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lavender Chocolate Chip Cookies at the Farmer's Market.....

It feels like forever since I have last posted. It has been a crazy month and I just got home from visiting my family in Utah yesterday. It is great to be home but also had a great time in Utah. One of the reason I went home to Utah for a few weeks was to help my mom. She was recently accepted into the Salt Lake City Farmer's Market. The Salt Lake City Farmer's Market is well known and hard to get into, so this is an amazing opportunity but also a lot of pressure to make sure she sells the best products.

What is she selling at the Salt Lake City Farmer's Market? Well my mom has over 1,000
lavender plants on a 5 acre farm in Millville, UT. She grows and harvests all her own lavender. With her lavender she makes field bundles, which are bundles that are put together when harvested (this bundle looks more rustic). She sales cleaned bundles which are neater in appearance, lavender infused apricot jelly, lavender infused honey, Herbs de Provence, culinary lavender, oatmeal lavender sea salt, lavender sachets made out of vintage hanker chiefs and napkins and lavender soap.

So this past Saturday we went and set up a table at the Logan Farmer's Market. She has sold there before and we wanted to see how well her lavender bouquets and products would sell. To our delight they were all a complete success. Since I was visiting, I thought I would use my baking skills and make some chocolate chip cookies using her culinary lavender and also sell them at the farmer's market.

I took a recipe that I love and is one of my very favorites for chocolate chip cookies called New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookies (for the recipe click HERE) and incorporated lavender. The end results was nothing but a culinary delight. We packaged them pretty and sold them for $1 a piece. My nephew and the love of my life Max, was my main salesman and he sold them hard by offering every person who passed by a sample of a Lavender Chocolate Chip Cookie and they sold out.

Many people are surprised by the idea of using lavender in food but the lavender adds a neat flavor that is unlike any other herb in its taste, color and texture. The lavender adds a unique taste that is distinct and delicious.

Lavender Chocolate Chip Cookies

To make Lavender Chocolate Chip Cookies, follow the New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe and after adding the chocolate chips, add just under a 1/8 cup of ground culinary lavender into your cookies. To grind lavender I use a mortar and pestle and grind up the lavender until it is as fine as possible, almost a powdery substance. Then add the lavender to the dough, mix until just blended and then you are ready to bake.

You will love this lavender treat, that will make you go back for seconds.

To learn more about lavender and to purchase lavender please visit The Purple Apple

Bon Appetit!


  1. these cookies are A-mazing! So cute, missed you as soon as you left. xoxox

  2. Dang, these cookies rock my world. Nice job at the market.

  3. These were so so so good! :)

  4. Yummy! It looks like we are just missed each other. I'm in Utah starting Sunday.

  5. Awesome! Can't wait for the Farmers Market in SL this summer. are going to be a HIT!

  6. Congrats to your mom! I try to go to the market every Saturday, I will look for her booth. The chocolate chip cookies sound amazing!!
