Friday, December 10, 2010

Spreading some sugar cookie cheer........

Thad and I have a friend named Chris who is in the Navy and has been in Rhode Island for the past several months doing some training. He has been away from his wife and daughter and for some time had not been allowed packages. When he was allowed a package, Chris told Thad that he was craving my sugar cookies.

So one night I spent the evening making and decorating sugar cookies. I used the best sugar cookie recipe in the world, Bradford Sugar Cookies. Making them got me into the christmas spirit and got me excited for a season of baking. After a long but fun night of baking, I was able to get the cookies off to Chris the next day, so that he could enjoy them fresh.

So there you have it, just wanted to share some Christmas cheer with you, so that visions of sugar cookies dance in your head. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. These look perfect Rozzie, you should start your own little shop on etsy and sell these and your other yummy desserts.
