I am a girl who loves tradition. I like there to be consistancy and something that you can rely on. I think I am also this way because I came from a family where it is all about tradition, especially when it comes to food. For example on Christmas eve, we always have fresh crab, dipped in butter, Salad de Mason and fondue. Then for dessert we have the famous Yule Log which is a chocolate cake made to look like a log (I am pretty sure it is a swedish tradition). These food loving traditions are almost like a ritual and they hold so many treasured and happy memories for me.

Another Nelson tradition is the Nelson Birthday cake. The origin of this cake was that my grandma Bev (my dad's mom) made this cake for birthdays. Insert my mom into the picture, who is a fabulous cook whom whatever she touches turns into gold and took the Nelson cake which was already fabulous, to another level of fabulous. How did she soop up the Nelson cake? She started with a homemade chocolate cake and her fabulous chocolate frosting with fresh whipping cream. This cake is undeniably divine and wins the hearts of whoever tries it.
When Thad came to meet my parents, the Nelson cake was made, and since I had always had the Nelson cake in my life I had taken it for granted, I thought nothing of it so when Thad partook of this delicate dessert, he died over it. From then on this became something he talked about and begged for and has become his birthday cake.
So with the history out of the way, this cake it just plain great. Since I pretty much love to bake, my co-workers benefit from this and plus it is totally selfish since I don't want baked goods lingering around the house. For our birthday here at the bank we always get lunch from the restaurant of our choice and a store bought cake. Adella's birthday (one of my co-workers) was coming up and I was asked to maker her a birthday cake instead of buying one. I knew she loved chocolate and so I decided to make her the Nelson cake. It was an absolute hit and was so fun to make for her.
Chocolate Cake
Ok so start out by setting the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two 9" rounds and set aside.
1 cup water
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 cube margarine
1/4 cup crisco
Combine above ingredients in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Stirring constantly so that the bottom does not burn, bringing to a rapid boil. Then set aside.
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
Combine sugar and flour in a boil, blending them together with a fork. Next in a stand mixer or with a hand mixer, add the cocoa mixture. Mix well. Then add.....
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
Beat all these ingredients together until the batter is smooth. Then pour into the pans and place in the oven. For the two 9" inch rounds the cooking time will be 25-30minutes. When I was making this recipe I started checking to see if they were done around 20 minutes. Once a butter knife or toothpick is inserted and comes out clean it is done. Turn them out on a cooling rack covered with parchment paper, right side up. Let them cool completely.
While the cake is cooling, start on the frosting (See below)
Peggles Frosting
1/3 cup butter (at room temperature)
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
4 cups confectioner's sugar
Using a stand mixer combine all the ingredients on medium speed. When adding the milk, I sometimes have to add more milk to give it a smoother and fluffier texture (about 2-3 tablespoons more).
Next whip a pint of whipping cream. Adding about a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla to the cream and powdered sugar to taste (remember that you don't want it too sweet); whip until firm peaks form in the cream.
Finally assembly time. Slice each round so that you have 4 9" rounds for the 4 layer cake. I shave each layer with a seraded knife so that they are each as flat as possible. Place the first layer of the cake on a cake stand or plate. Smear on a nice thick layer of chocolate frosting, then whipping cream. Repeat this process 3 more times; dividing the whip cream and frosting evenly between the four layers. On the top of the fourth layer, with a grater and some baking chocolate, shave some chocolate onto the top layer of whipping cream. Allow to set in refrigerator for 2 hours or more.

This is my co-worker Adella blowing out the candles on the cake. She loved it!
This cake is a Nelson tradition and will be until the end of time. Enjoy!